Why? My mare Dyna has foundered several times in the past. Keeping her on a track keeps her off the grass, gives her more movement and improves her hoof condition. She is barefoot. This way I don’t need to muzzle her: she does not like the muzzle. I don’t need to put her in a dry lot or stall where she would stand around, being bored & develop some bad habits out of boredom and anxiety. Instead, she is free to move around on the track, needs to walk to get food, water & shelter.
My gelding Freckles moves right along, they have natural interaction with each other, don’t have bad habits like cribbing, chewing, weaving, etc. He is barefoot too.
They have no thrush , even in the wet months, because of their constant movement and change of surface.
Adding different kinds of gravel will improve their hooves even more (this will be done in phase 2).
The horses are in constant movement, which takes the pressure off, they are more relaxed. My goal is to redirect their energy (within my means), rather than confine them in a stall or restrain them.
The track is a work in progress, so far it has been a positive experience.
We now board a horse too, and the positive changes in the horse, mentally & physically, are amazing. She is integrated in the herd and loving it.